This is such a great question and it will surely be different depending on which coach you ask. I was certified through the International Coaching Federation and what they teach is wholeheartedly what I believe, that each of you has an inner knowing. That every answer you are looking for is already inside you. It is the coaches role to ask meaningful and powerful questions in order to help you uncover theses inner knowings.
That is my baseline. Now let's go to the logistics and then move to how we make the magic happen.
Each new coaching relationship begins with a discovery call. It is in this call that we go deep into the spaces where you are currently feeling discomfort, challenges or are stuck. We then explore your dreams, wishes and most highly desired outcomes. We get so offing crystal clear on where you want to go...and why. What is the undercurrent beneath your goals, what is motivating you to want to reach and work for more?
This is how we arrive at your plan. We now have a roadmap of sorts starting with where you are today and where you want to arrive at. If it sounds like a good idea for us to work together we go over all the coaching logistics, set up your first session and you walk away with your first bit of homework. Depending on your goals this could look like taking a first small step, brining increased awareness to your current state of being and thinking, or putting a piece of your new routine in place and taking action on it.
And then we begin! We work in partnership with each other over the next six months or more. We connect in person or by Zoom for our sessions where you bring in anything from wanting to spend the session creating a new morning routine to going deeper into what is causing your stress and how we can create a plan to lessen the emotional and physical impact on you. Between sessions we are always connected on WhatsApp where you can get support, ask questions or use it as a form of accountability with check-ins. Every woman uses it differently in a way that is most supportive of her. That is one of the most unique and best parts of coaching. Its not one size fits all. We design it just for you, all of your homework and everything in the session and beyond is made just for you. This is also is how coaching goes beyond the sessions we are in together. We create a partnership that goes well beyond the the one on one sessions you have with me. It is not bound by time, it is created for you and is made this way so when you come upon stickiness, or need additional resources and support you can have it, right away. The coaching relationship is one of my favorite things about being a coach. I LOVE the sessions but what is even better is session after session getting to see your progress, your acievents and you living in a way that only months prior you didn't know even where to begin. The belief and confidence that grows inside you through coaching is one of the greatest gifts I get in coaching. There is great work that is done but it is in the biprotot of that work that I truly revel in. It is in the wins you had no idea were even coming. Because when you start accomplishing your goals, stacking your wins and overcoming you are changed. You are more confident, your thinking and mindset are not the same, you have bloomed into a new and beautiful version of yourself. I have goosebumps just typing this. This is why I do what I do and why I love it so damn much. Because I know you can do anything you set your mind to, I believe in you...and shortly there after you knwo it too. You begin to show up differently, what once was a challenge is now something you do with ease, you have now achieved your goals. Its magic and I'm so in love with the process. The look on your face when we reflect back on everything you achieved, the growth that you had the overcoming that you conquered is the most magical looking and feeling ever.
Life coaching is a partnership between you and I. It is a forming of one of the most powerful and impactful relationships you will have in this season of life. It is a gift to yourself, one that you will always have with you and one that cannot be lost or undone. You will be forever changed and transformed into the beautiful and confident woman who knows she can handle anything that comes her way.